Exploring Allergies and Chemical Sensitivities in Autistic Individuals

autism help autism parent advice autism parenting autism parenting advice autism parenting help autism support healthcare immune abnormalities Jun 15, 2023
Exploring Allergies and Chemical Sensitivities in Autistic Individuals

Experts have long debated the relationship between autism and allergies or chemical sensitivities. In recent years, studies have emerged suggesting that autistic individuals may be more prone to these conditions compared to the general population.

Some of the most common allergies and sensitivities in autistic individuals are gluten, dairy, soy, corn, and citrus product intolerances. Other common sensitivities include sensitivity to food additives, dyes, chlorine in swimming pools, and fragrances found in candles and perfumes.

It is important for parents and caregivers to have their children tested to identify allergens and chemical triggers specific to each child. With accurate testing, parents and healthcare professionals can gain valuable insights into the substances that may cause adverse reactions in autistic children. Once identified, tailored treatment plans can be implemented to manage and mitigate these sensitivities effectively.

Prevention strategies also play a crucial role in minimizing allergies and sensitivities in autistic children. Parents need to create an environment that reduces exposure to potential triggers.

Dr. Jerry Kartzinel is an internationally recognized authority in the field of autism and has written an article on this topic. Dr. Kartzinel highlights the importance of understanding and addressing allergies and chemical sensitivities in autistic individuals. To gain a deeper understanding of this subject, be sure to grab a copy of Dr. Kartzinel's expert article.

Access the article in our article directory by clicking here.

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