Auditory Brainstem Responses and Autism

auditory autism help autism parent advice autism parenting autism parenting advice autism parenting help autism support current autism research current research diagnosis and early intervention Aug 07, 2023
Auditory Brainstem Responses and Autism

Today, we're diving into some fascinating research that could potentially revolutionize how autism is detected in children.

You might be surprised to learn that the Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) test, primarily used to assess hearing in newborns worldwide, could hold the key to early autism detection. A study conducted in 2020 shed light on some intriguing findings that link auditory delays in certain children who later diagnosed with autism (Miron et al, 2021). This discovery sparked a further investigation into the ABR test, led by the world-renowned Dr. Elizabeth Torres.

Dr. Torres' new study delves deeper into the ABR test, revealing that experts can identify subtle differences with exceptional accuracy in very young children. This means that by using the ABR test, a test that is already used in newborns, we may have a powerful tool to help identify potential indicators of autism at an early stage. Speaking with Dr. Torres about this research, she says, "The relevance of what the researchers found was not the differentiation between autistic individuals and non-autistic individuals as this was already known. Rather, it was the fact that we now have micro-level criteria and measurements with the ABR test that we did not have previously."

Diagnosing and supporting children with autism can lead to early support. This can make a world of difference in a child's development and future well-being.

This research is groundbreaking. Autism Advocate Parenting Magazine wrote a review of this research to help parents, caregivers and even professionals to understand its meaning. In the review, you'll find an in-depth exploration of the ABR test, the study details, and how these findings have the potential to reshape the landscape of autism diagnosis.

The possibility of using the ABR test to detect autism in newborns has ignited excitement within the medical community and beyond. This research opens up new doors for early support. Continue to stay up-to-date with all the latest autism research by accessing the Article Directory in Autism Advocate Parenting Magazine.

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