The Fascinating Link between Autism and the Cerebral Cortex

auditory autism help autism parent advice autism parenting autism parenting advice autism parenting help autism support current autism research current research Jun 04, 2023
The Fascinating Link between Autism and the Cerebral Cortex

The human brain is an incredibly complex organ, and its intricate workings continue to captivate researchers worldwide. When it comes to autism, recent groundbreaking research conducted at the University of California has shed new light on the crucial role played by the cerebral cortex in autism. 

The cerebral cortex is the outer layer of the brain. It is responsible for a wide range of cognitive functions, including sensory perception, attention, memory, and language. In the realm of autism, researchers have long suspected that abnormalities in this critical brain region contribute to the unique characteristics observed in autistic individuals.

The University of California study looked at the genetic differences within the cerebral cortex of autistic individuals, uncovering fascinating variations to help our understanding of autism. One of the most significant discoveries was the presence of distinct genetic patterns in the primary visual cortex. The main purpose of this region is to receive, process and interpret visual information. This means it is possible, and could even be likely, that the differences seen in this study on the molecular level contribute to the high percentage of autistic individuals with sensory processing differences.

By examining the genetic variations within the cerebral cortex, researchers are gaining a better understanding of how these differences may shape brain development and contribute to the diverse array of traits observed in autistic individuals. Autism Advocate Parenting Magazine wrote a research summary on this particular study, explaining the study and the results.

To read the full review, access the article in our article directory by clicking here.

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