Bullying Awareness and Autism

autism help autism parent advice autism parenting autism parenting advice autism parenting help autism support social skills Jul 14, 2023
Bullying Awareness and Autism

For autistic children, there are many challenges when it comes to the social world and making friends. Unfortunately, these differences and other traits associated with autism often make autistic individuals the targets of bullying.

As parents, we all know how heart-wrenching it is to witness our precious ones going through such a tough time. It leaves us feeling helpless and unsure of what to do next.

When our loved ones face bullying, it's important to first provide a safe and open environment for them to share their experiences. Actively listening and empathizing with their feelings can help them feel heard and understood.

As parents, we can also teach them strategies to handle bullying, such as assertiveness skills, self-advocacy, and boundary-setting techniques. Building a strong support network that includes teachers, counselors, and other parents can provide additional resources and guidance.

There is a fantastic article in Autism Advocate Parenting Magazine, written by Janet Arnold and Francine McLeod. They've teamed up to shed light on the issue of bullying and offer some practical tips on how we, as parents, can minimize it. They share a formula they teach to manage bullying. It's called talk, walk and tell - Talk to the person who is bullying you, walk away to a safe place, and tell a trusted adult what happened. They also share other preventative measures and encourage parents to continue to foster acceptance in their schools and communities.

If your child has been bullied, this is an article you do not want to miss. Stay strong, keep advocating, and let's make this world a better place for our incredible kids!

Access the article in our article directory by clicking here.

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