Current Research on Early Intervention Services for Autistic Children

autism help autism parent advice autism parenting autism parenting advice autism parenting help autism support current autism research current research diagnosis and early intervention Jun 15, 2023
Current Research on Early Intervention Services for Autistic Children

Did you know that in the United States, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) mandates the provision of appropriate and free educational services for children with developmental delays, including autism? Surprisingly, many parents remain unaware of this legal requirement. As a result, researchers from Rutgers University embarked on a mission to shed light on the utilization of early intervention services by autistic children. Their findings revealed that only 46.6% of eligible children were actually accessing these crucial services!

Some of the other notable findings were:
- Autistic children in affluent communities were 80 percent more likely to receive early intervention services.
- Children born in 2008 were more likely to receive early intervention services than children born 10 years earlier, indicating that although progress might be slow, we are moving in the right direction.
- Children with more pronounced difficulties were more likely to receive early intervention services.

This is extremely interesting and valuable information for parents and caregivers. Early Intervention Services should be available to all. Autism Advocate Parenting Magazine offers an in-depth analysis of this research in one of the research review articles.

Let us work together to create an inclusive educational environment that empowers and uplifts every autistic child.

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