Autism and Anxiety - Exploring Management

anxiety autism help autism parent advice autism parenting autism parenting advice autism parenting help autism support lifestyle and physical activity Jun 15, 2023
Autism and Anxiety - Exploring Management

Anxiety is no stranger to many autistic children, teens and adults! It's a common companion that can take a toll on their well-being.  What's the best management for autistic individuals with anxiety? Although Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and medication are the most commonly used treatments, others can be used in conjunction with the ones mentioned. One example is the use of exercise to help manage anxiety.

Exercise is an intervention that has been used to partially manage anxiety in the general population, but it has been used less in the autistic population. Exercise is known to reduce anxiety-producing hormones, and increase the production of endorphins, dopamine, and endocannabinoids, all of which work together to reduce anxiety and induce a state of happiness and optimism.

A recent research study investigated the effectiveness of an in-school exercise program in managing anxiety for autistic children and teens. The results were very interesting. The teachers saw a significant decrease in anxiety after 16 weeks of the school-based exercise program. This reduction was seen in the areas of performance anxiety, anxious arousal and uncertainty, but not in separation anxiety. Interestingly, parents did NOT see any difference in anxiety levels at home!

It is so important for parents to explore many options to help their autistic child with their anxiety. Don't miss out on the opportunity to explore this fascinating study and gain valuable knowledge on the topic. Autism Advocate Parenting Magazine wrote a review of this research so parents and caregivers can know exactly what was studied and what the results reveal. Together, let's unravel anxiety and empower our incredible autistic children and teens to thrive!

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