Navigating Transitions Big and Small

autism help autism parent advice autism parenting autism parenting advice autism parenting help autism support life skills and early adulthood routine Jun 15, 2023
Navigating Transitions Big and Small

Let's talk about something many parents of autistic children can relate to: Routines. Many autistic children and teens have a hard time dealing with changes in their routines and environment, but we live in a world where change is inevitable. Children grow, develop, and transition to new phases of life. Starting a new school year, moving up a grade, entering adolescence - these are milestones that contribute to their growth and independence. So as parents, we must provide the support they need during these transitions.

Experts suggest some key strategies to help autistic children with transitions. 
- Plan Ahead: Help your child prepare for upcoming changes by using visual schedules or social stories. Giving them a heads-up allows them to mentally prepare for the transition.
- Empower with Choices: Kids love having some control, and it's no different for autistic children. Involve them in decision-making related to the transition. By offering choices within reasonable limits, you're fostering their autonomy and reducing anxiety.
- Taming Anxiety: Transitions can be anxiety-inducing for autistic individuals. That's why it's important to have some calming strategies up your sleeve. Deep breathing exercises, sensory tools, or introducing comfort objects can help them cope with the change.

So, to all the parents out there dealing with the challenges of transitions, take heart! We understand the struggle, and we're here to support you. Remember, while keeping everything the same may seem like a dream, it's just not possible. Kids grow, change, and transition, and that's okay. By planning, giving choices, and managing anxiety, you can help your child navigate these transitions successfully. If you want to dig deeper into this topic, make sure to check out an article in AUTISM ADVOCATE Parenting Magazine. Expert Dr. Jacqui Shepherd gives even more strategies to help autistic individuals manage everyday transitions. She suggests things like allowing extra time, debriefing and celebrating progress. Together, let's empower our children to thrive in an ever-changing world!

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