Selective Eating and Autism
Jun 27, 2023
Let's talk about something that many of us can relate to: picky eating! If you have a picky eater in your life, you know how challenging it can be to navigate their food preferences. You know how hard it can be to travel, to go to social events, or to cook a meal that your child will eat. You've probably tried all of the strategies that most pediatricians recommend for typical picky eaters. Your friends and family have probably made comments like, "Your child won't starve themself" or "Your child will outgrow it!"
Selective eating can be extremely common for an autistic child. An autistic child's sensory differences and need for sameness often play an integral part in picky eating. What are some strategies to help your autistic child expand their food repertoire and have a more balanced diet?
Experts suggest that because the food we eat is so important to our health, and because selective eating for an autistic child is complex, it is vital to seek professional help. Some at-home strategies include - trying to make gradual changes, letting your child explore food without having the pressure of eating it, and being a good example of making healthy food choices.
Autism Advocate Parenting Magazine has this topic covered. There are several articles on the topic, including one from expert, Betsy Hicks-Russ, who is the founder of "Picky Eating Solutions". Betsy outlines the relationship between picky eating and autism, strategies for success, and strategies to avoid! This article is a must-read for anyone dealing with a selective eater.
Remember, you're not alone in this journey. Let's empower ourselves with knowledge and support each other in managing selective eating among autistic children. Together, we can make mealtimes a little less daunting and a lot more enjoyable!
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