Pediatric Massage and Autism

autism help autism parent advice autism parenting autism parenting advice autism parenting help autism support other autism supports sensory Jul 15, 2023
Pediatric Massage and Autism

It is well-known that massage therapy has many benefits. A massage can promote relaxation and stress reduction by releasing endorphins and reducing cortisol levels. This can result in decreased anxiety, improved mood, and better sleep quality. Massage therapy also enhances circulation, helping to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the tissues while removing toxins and waste products. It can also alleviate muscular tension, reduce pain, and improve flexibility and range of motion. Some research even shows that massage therapy can boost the immune system, enhance lymphatic drainage, and promote faster recovery from injuries.

But, have you ever considered massage therapy for your autistic child?

As we know, many autistic children have sensory differences. On top of all the benefits listed above, massage for an autistic person can provide tactile stimulation and help with sensory integration. Massaging your autistic child can also help your child fall asleep quicker, sleep deeper and sleep for longer periods of time.

If you're intrigued and want to learn more about massage therapy for autistic children, we've got just the thing for you. Autism Advocate Parenting Magazine has a fantastic article, written by Tina Allen, that covers everything you need to know about this topic. Tina Allen is an international expert and authority on infant and pediatric massage therapy. She is a respected lecturer, educator and award-winning author.

Discover how massage therapy can create a positive impact on your child's life, providing them with the nurturing touch and sensory experience they need. It's a beautiful way to support their well-being and help them thrive.

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