Current Research Investigates What Supports Autistic Children are Receiving

autism help autism parent advice autism parenting autism parenting advice autism parenting help autism support current autism research current research genetics Aug 11, 2023
Current Research Investigates What Supports Autistic Children are Receiving

Let's tackle a topic that's near and dear to our hearts: the best supports for our precious autistic children.

When we first hear that our child is autistic, a whirlwind of questions starts swirling in our minds. Are there any medications that can help? What about therapy? Which options are the most effective?

The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry recommends a minimum of 25 hours of evidence-based therapy per week for autistic children. Medications might be prescribed to autistic children, but this is less common.

A team of brilliant researchers from the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia embarked on a mission to uncover what supports autistic children are currently receiving. They collected data from 805 autistic children, ages 3 to 6 years old from the United States and Canada.

The results are very interesting! Children on average received 5.5 hours of therapy each week. The most common therapies received were Speech Therapy and Occupational Therapy. Only 14.1 percent of children were receiving the recommended 25 hours of therapy per week. 16.3 percent of children were prescribed medication.

The authors suggest lots of reasons for these results, such as lack of insurance and high cost of therapies, and long wait times. If you're as curious as we are about the results of this research, then grab the full research review in the article directory.

Inside those pages, you'll discover the findings of this groundbreaking study. Let's make informed decisions together and ensure our kids receive the best possible support on their unique journey. With the right information in hand, we can empower our children to shine and thrive!

Access the article in our article directory by clicking here.

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