Talking to your Autistic Teen about Sex and Sexual Relationships

autism help autism parent advice autism parenting autism parenting advice autism parenting help autism support dating and intimacy family and relationships Jun 27, 2023
Talking to your Autistic Teen about Sex and Sexual Relationships

It is very important for parents to talk to their autistic teens about sex and sexual relationships, even though parents might feel awkward or uncomfortable. When is the right time to start these discussions? How do you begin the conversation? How do you ensure your teen gets the information they need to navigate this aspect of life?

Professionals agree that parents should start having conversations about these topics from a young age. They should be age-appropriate and should start with topics like, how to be a good friend, personal space and consent. Teaching your child these concepts will help them understand healthy romantic relationships when they are mature enough and interested.

A common misconception is that autistic individuals, especially those with intellectual disability, are not interested in romantic relationships. This is most certainly not true. Talk to your child to find out what types of relationships they are interested in, and help them build the skills they need to succeed in what they want.

Dr. Prithvi Perepa is a lecturer in autism at the University of Birmingham and has published many books and articles on the topic. He wrote an article for Autism Advocate Parenting Magazine on the topic of talking to children about sex and sexual relationships. He explains WHY it is so important to talk about sex with your child, WHEN to start the conversations, and HOW to teach your child about sex and sexual relationships.

If you're curious and eager to get all the answers and guidance you need on this topic, we highly recommend reading Dr. Perepa's article. It's a valuable resource that can help you approach these conversations with confidence and ensure your teen receives the necessary information and support.

Let's break through the discomfort and empower ourselves as parents. Let's foster open and honest discussions about sex and sexual relationships with our autistic teens, ensuring their well-being and empowering them for the journey ahead.

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