The Power of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) for Autistic Children

autism help autism parent advice autism parenting autism parenting advice autism parenting help autism support speech and communication technology and videogames Aug 18, 2023
The Power of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) for Autistic Children

Let's explore a topic that's incredibly important for many autistic children - augmentative and alternative communication, also known as AAC. AAC is a fantastic support system for individuals who are minimally verbal or have no speech at all.

Communication is a vital aspect of our everyday lives, and for some autistic children, verbal speech might be a challenge. AAC encompasses various tools and methods that enable individuals to express themselves and interact with the world around them. AAC can involve sign language, picture communication boards, speech-generating devices, or even AAC-specific apps. It's all about finding the right mode of communication that suits the individual's needs and abilities.

By implementing AAC systems, it gives your autistic child a voice. It can help your children express their thoughts, desires, and needs. It empowers them to connect with others, share their ideas, and participate more fully in social interactions. AAC truly opens doors to a whole new world of communication possibilities.

Tiffany Chavers is a speech-language pathologist and doctoral candidate at the University of Texas at Austin. She says some of the most important benefits of using AAC are:
- it promotes independence
- it expands communication
- it reduces challenging behaviors
- it increases social interactions

If you're intrigued and eager to learn more about AAC and how to get started with implementing it for your child, you can read an article that Tiffany Chavers wrote for Autism Advocate Parenting Magazine. It will give you guidance on the benefits of AAC and how to navigate the process of introducing it to your child. It's a valuable resource that can equip you with the knowledge and tools to support your child's communication journey.

Discover the wonders of AAC and how it can transform your child's ability to communicate and connect with the world. Remember, you're not alone on this journey. Many parents are exploring the world of AAC alongside you.

Access Tiffany Chaver's article in our article directory by clicking here.

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